Past Event

Development and Future of Corporate Venture Capital in China

17. September, 11:00 to 12:00 CEST

The roundtable explores the current state and recent shifts in China’s Corporate Venture Capital landscape. What are the focus areas for investments in China, from a domestic and international perspective? How is the landscape of actors shifting, shaped by technology and geopolitics? Where lie opportunities?   Speakers:

  • Dr. Min Zhou, Managing Partner of CM Venture Capital, a hard-tech VC backed by multi corporates based in Shanghai
  • Dr. Hongquan Jiang, Managing Director of Boyuan Capital & Investment Partner Robert Bosch VC (RBVC)

Moderators: Prof. Boris Bauke and Prof. Horst Löchel


Annual Report



Tariffs are not the answer to China Shock
The European, October 2024, pp 42-44


Interview with Xinhua about the 3rd plenum (August 6, 2024)

Virtual Conference

The World in 2050: The Impact of China’s Next Stage of Development and Influence

with Prof. Löchel

July 11th, 2024, Hong Kong

Interview with CCTV

EU raises tariffs on imports of EVs from China

July 6th, 2024

Frankfurt China Roundtable with the General Consul of China in Frankfurt The Financial Centres of Frankfurt and Shanghai (08 May 2024)

Research and Projects

A cooperation between Frankfurt School and the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

China in the Global Governance

SPONSERED BY GIZ The Rise of China in the last fourth years is one of the most important global events of our times. China is underway to become the 2nd global superpower and to connect to its history before the industrial revolution. The research aims to promote China expertise in Europe and Germany for students, experts as well as practitioners by a critical analyse of China’s integration into the world economy and the global governance in line with the Sustainable Development Goad of the United Nations for global partnership (SDG 17). Two concrete topics constitute the centre of the analysis: The development and judgement of the so-called Belt-and-Road – Initiative that was launched by China already in 2013 and the integration and role of China in international institutions like WHO, IMF and the World Bank. The research should result in publications and a colloquium about the topic.

China in der “Global Governance”

Der Aufstieg Chinas in den letzten vierzig Jahren ist eines der wichtigsten globalen Ereignisse unserer Zeit. China ist auf dem Weg, die zweite globale Supermacht zu werden und an seine Geschichte vor der industriellen Revolution anzuknüpfen. im Einklang mit dem „Sustainable Development Goals“ der Vereinten Nationen für globale Partnerschaft (SDG 17), zielt das Forschungsprojekt darauf ab, die China-Expertise in Europa und Deutschland durch eine kritische Analyse der Integration Chinas in die Weltwirtschaft und die internationalen Institutionen zu fördern. Zwei konkrete Themen stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt der Analyse: Die Entwicklung und Beurteilung der sogenannten Belt-and-Road-Initiative (Seidenstrassen-Initiative), die von China bereits 2013 ins Leben gerufen wurde sowie die Einbindung und Rolle Chinas in internationalen Institutionen wie WHO, IWF und Weltbank. Die Forschung soll in Publikationen und einem Kolloquium zum Thema münden. Contact/Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Horst Löchel, Leiter Sino-German Center, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Niklas Kügler, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Sino-German Center, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management,

Sponsored by Dr. Hans Messer Stiftung

Understanding China’s Economy and the Consequences for Europe

SPONSERED BY THE DR. HANS MESSER STIFTUNG The research project aims to promote China expertise in Europe and Germany for students, experts as well as practitioners with a focus on the development of China’s domestic economy and its impact on the world economy. A special focus is given to the question what China’s economy differs from Western economies and how to explain its successful development in last fourth five years and what do expect for the future. It is also intended to deeply analyse the impact of the rise of China’s economy for Europe and Germany and the respective consequences for the future. The research should result in publications that cumulates in a text book about China’s economy combined with the design of a respective lecturer series and scientific colloquiums with distinguished experts.

Chinas Wirtschaft und die Konsequenzen für Europa

Das Forschungsprojekt zielt darauf ab, die China-Expertise in Europa und Deutschland für Studenten, Experten und Praktiker zu fördern, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Entwicklung von Chinas Binnenwirtschaft und deren Auswirkungen auf die Weltwirtschaft liegt. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf der Frage, was Chinas Wirtschaft von westlichen Volkswirtschaften unterscheidet und wie die erfolgreiche Entwicklung in den letzten rund vier Jahrzehnten zu erklären und was für die Zukunft zu erwarten ist. Es ist auch beabsichtigt, die Konsequenzen des Aufstiegs der chinesischen Wirtschaft auf Europa und Deutschland zu analysieren. Die Forschung soll in Publikationen münden, die in einem Lehrbuch über Chinas Wirtschaft kumuliert werden sollen. Darüber aufbauen soll eine entsprechende Vortragsreihe aufgelegt und ein wissenschaftliches Kolloquien gestartet werden. Contact/Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Horst Löchel, Head Sino-German Center, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Tim Jablonski, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Sino-German Center, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management,

Sponsored by Bundesministerium für Forschung und Bildung (BMBF)

Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) as an Innovations tool for Global Technology Leadership in China


The aim of the project is to investigate the significance, structure, and effects of external innovation measures, as a tool of inorganic corporate growth of large Chinese companies (both private and state-owned) through corporate venture capital (and, by extension, through M&A) as a tool for achieving technology leadership in key industries. As a result, the project aims to expand the German and European competence about the Chinese innovation and financial system. Further, it aims to contribute to current social, economic and innovation policy developments in the People’s Republic of China.

The starting point of the project is the conviction that Germany and Europe can learn from Chinese methods of promoting innovation. In light of the Chinese “Made in China 2025” initiative and the new five-year plan, which places technology development at the center of the country’s economic policy considerations, the topic is highly relevant. Similarly, the project supports our understanding of the complex workings of innovation policy via P.R. China equity investments in key technologies. Both public and private stakeholders (e.g., investors and technology companies) from Germany and Europe will learn more about Chinese successes.

Specifically, the following scientific goals are pursued:

1. Better general understanding of CVC in China (actors, structures, processes, strategies), and in particular related to:

1. The role of State-Owned-Enterprises (SOE) as well as their investment activities in the context of Chinese innovation policy with a focus on key technologies.

2. The predictive power of VC investment for key technological sectors and developments, focusing on CVC as a potential leading indicator of China’s technological priorities.

3. The investment climate for international players in China, e.g. German or European CVCs investing in China.

2. Better general understanding of Chinese CVC activities abroad, e.g. investments by Chinese players in German technology companies, as well as in particular with a focus on:

1. The context of CVC investments by Chinese firms in Germany and Europe in key technologies.

2. CVC as a precursor to corporate acquisitions (M&A), as well as to what extent and how CVC is used as a starting point for subsequent corporate acquisitions and knowledge transfer.

3. A central work result should also be a validated data set, direct access to further local information carriers (network expansion through local partners and via established social media groups) as well as the preparation for the “China Technology Radar” based on VC data. The research results should lead to scientific articles as well as practitioner studies. Furthermore, the design of case studies for university teaching and a conference in the context of the China Europe Finance Summit are planned.

Announcement by BMBF

Sino-Inno Cap Webpage

Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) als Innovations-Werkzeug für globale Technologieführerschaft in Chinа

Ziel des Projektes ist es, Bedeutung, Aufbau und Wirkungsweisen von externen Innovationsmaßnamen im Zuge der anorganischen Unternehmensentwicklung von chinesischen Großunternehmen (privatwirtschaftliche wie staatliche) durch Corporate Venture Capital (und in Erweiterung durch M&A) als Werkzeug zur Erlangung von Technologieführerschaft in Schlüsselbranchen zu untersuchen. Im Ergebnis soll der Ausbau der China-Kompetenz für Teile des deutschen und europäischen Innovations- und Finanzsystems erreicht werden sowie generell ein Forschungsbeitrag zu aktuellen gesellschafts-, sozial-, wirtschafts- sowie innovationspolitischen Entwicklungen in der Volksrepublik China

Ausgangspunkt des Vorhabens ist die Überzeugung, dass Deutschland und Europa von chinesischen Methoden der Förderung von Innovationen lernen können. Angesichts der chinesischen „Made in China 2025“ – Initiative sowie des neuen Fünf-Jahresplans, der die Technologieentwicklung in das Zentrum der wirtschaftspolitischen Überlegungen des Landes rückt, ist das Thema hoch relevant. Ebenso unterstützt das Vorhaben das förderpolitische Ziel, unser Verständnis der komplexen Wirkungsweise von Innovationspolitik über Eigenkapitalinvestitionen der V.R. China in Schlüsseltechnologien zu stärken. Sowohl öffentliche als auch private Akteure (z.B. Investoren und Technologieunternehmen) aus Deutschland und Europa sollen mehr über die chinesischen Erfolge erfahren.

Konkret werden die folgenden wissenschaftlichen Ziele verfolgt:

Besseres Verständnis von CVC in China (Akteure, Strukturen, Prozesse, Strategien) im Allgemeinen, sowie im Besonderen bezogen auf: Die Rolle von State-Owned-Enterprises (SOE) sowie ihrer Investitionstätigkeit im Rahmen der chinesischen Innovationspolitik mit Fokus auf Schlüsseltechnologien. Die prognostische Kraft von VC Investitionen für technologische Schlüsselsektoren und Entwicklungen, mit Fokus auf CVC als potentieller Frühindikator für technologische Schwerpunkte Chinas. Das Investitionsklima für internationale Akteure in China, z.B. Deutsche oder Europäische CVCs, die in China investieren. Besseres Verständnis von chinesischen CVC Aktivitäten im Ausland, z.B. Investitionen von chinesischen Akteuren in deutsche Technologieunternehmen, im Allgemeinen sowie im Besonderen mit Fokus auf: Den Zusammenhang von CVC Investitionen von chinesischen Firmen in Deutschland und Europa in Schlüsseltechnologien. CVC als Vorbote von Firmenübernahmen (M&A), sowie in welchem Umfang und wie CVC als Startpunkt für spätere Firmenkäufe und Wissenstransfer eingesetzt wird. Ein zentrales Arbeitsergebnis soll zudem ein validierter Datensatz, ein direkter Zugang zu weiteren lokalen Informationsträgern (Netzwerkerweiterung durch die lokalen Partner und über aufgebaute Social Media Gruppen) sowie die Vorbereitung für den auf VC-Daten aufbauenden “China Technologie-Radar” sein.Die Forschungsergebnisse sollen in wissenschaftlichen Aufsätzen sowie in einer Praktiker Studie münden. Darüber hinaus ist die Konzeption von Fallstudien für den Hochschulunterricht und eine Konferenz im Rahmen des China Europe Finance Summits geplant.


Prof. Dr. Horst Löchel, Head Sino-German Center,

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management,

Prof. Dr. Michael Grote, Academic Head Frankfurter Institute

for Private Equity and M&A, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management,

Prof. Dr. Boris Bauke, Professor for Digitalisation and Entrepreneurship

Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg,

Ankündigung des BMBF

Sino-Inno Cap Webpage

Working Papers

The Impact of Population Ageing on China’s Growth

(December 2022)

White Paper: CVC As A aTool for Global Technological Leadership in China

New Working Paper: The Long-Term Development of the Business Conditions for European Companies in China, December 2021

Working Paper: The Benefits of China Depository Receipts – Evidence from Developed Economies, December 2020

Working Paper: Features of Chinese Financial Investors in Europe – Peer-Group Analysis, February 2020

New Working Paper: Inclusive Finance in the Rural Areas of China, December 2019

New Working Paper: Chinese Direct Investments in Germany, October 2019

Frankfurt China Roundtables

FRANKFURT CHINA ROUNDTABLE: Sino-German Initiatives in Sustainable Finance (11 Oktober)

Attendees of Sino-German roundtable sitting in seminar room

The Frankfurt China Roundtable, jointly organized by the Sino-German Center at Frankfurt School and China Construction Bank, Frankfurt branch, took place on Oct 11th, the day of the 50. anniversary of the official start of diplomatic relations between Germany and China in 1972. The keynote speeches were given by Dr. Michael Schaefer, ambassador of Germany in China between 2007 and 2013 and Political Director of the Federal Foreign office of Germany between 2002 and 2007 as well as from Prof. Jun Zhang, Chairman of the Lujiazui Financial City Green Finance Development Center (GFDC), Chang Kong Professor of Economics and Dean of the School of Economics at Fudan university. Dr. Schäfer stressed the importance of the relationship between Germany and China despite all differences and difficulties and suggested a more independent approach of the EU towards China. Main points of his speech are also part of an article of him published in DER TAGESSPIEGEL (German language). Prof Zhang recognized in his speech the role of Deng Xiaoping for the economic rise of China and mentioned the current difficulties of China’s growth model like the declining growth rate, environmental problems, and the still relative high share of state-own enterprises. After that Dr. Wei Kong, Senior Partner at Zhonglun Law Firm in Shanghai, and David Marques Pereira, ESG Originator Sustainable Bonds & Finance and Capital Markets Institutional Clients at DZ BANK AG, Frankfurt, gave presentations about the green finance initiatives in China and Germany respectively. It turned out that already a significant number of joint initiatives of both countries are under way in the field of sustainable finance. Find the presentation of Dr. Kong here.

FRANKFURT CHINA ROUNDTABLE: Sino-German Capital Market Connectivity (29 June)

The first Frankfurt China Roundtable jointly organised by the Sino-German Center e. V. at Frankfurt School and China Construction Bank, Frankfurt, took place on 29 June at the campus of Frankfurt School as a hybrid event with around 30 participants on-campus and 40 online including a variety of participants from China. The event was opened by the Co-Chairmen of SGC, Prof. Löchel and Prof. von Rosen, in the spirit of continuing and intensifying the dialogue between representatives of the finance industry of both countries at the financial centre of Frankfurt. The keynote speech was given by Prof. Johannes Beermann, member of the Executive Board of Deutsche Bundesbank, who stresses the close economic and financial ties between Germany and China and the potential for further cooperation in the future. The following roundtable on the topic Sino-German Capital Market Connectivity was kicked-off by introductory statements of Ms Bofei Hu, Deputy General Manager of the International Business Department of China Construction Bank in Beijing and Niels Tomm, Representative of the Board of Group Deutsche Börse and Co-CEO of China Europe International Exchange (CEINEX), Frankfurt. Ms Hu’s statement focused on the potential of China’s capital markets for foreign investors, Mr Tomm outlined the current Sino-German connections in capital market business and gave a short outlook on the future. The statement has been followed by an intensive Q&A-session. The event was closed by Ms Xinlei Sun, Deputy General Manager of China Construction Bank, Frankfurt, who summarised the event by stressing the future of the Sino-German cooperation in finance.

Virtual Roundtables

Virtual Roundtable

Results of The 3rd Plenum: Progress Ahead for The Economy?

July 18th, 10.30 to 11.30 a.m. CEST Speakers:

  • Prof. Klaus Mühlhahn, President Zeppelin University
  • Jörg Wuttke, former President of the European Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC)

Virtual Roundtable

The Two Sessions Meeting: What Does it Mean for the Economy?

March 12th, 2024, 11:00 a.m. CET  Speakers:

  • Prof. Shenglin Ben, Dean, Zhejiang University International Business School
  • Jens Hildebrandt, Delegate, Chief Representative and Managing Director of the German Chamber of Commerce in North China

Virtual Roundtable

The EU and China’s Approach to Economic Security

May 28, 2024, 11:00 a.m. CEST Speakers:

Virtual Roundtable

Outlook for China’s Economy 2024

January 23rd, 2024, 11:00 a.m. CET


  • Volkmar Baur, China Economist at Union Investment
  • Dr. Yi Xiong, Chief Economist at Deutsche Bank China


The Financial Centres of Hong Kong and Frankfurt

November 14, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CET  Speakers:

  • Dr. King Au, Executive Director, HK Financial Services Development Council
  • Andreas Glänzel, Managing Director, Frankfurt Main Finance e.V.


The New Normal: Changing Business Conditions for German Companies in China:

September 20, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CEST  Speakers:

  • Maximilian Butek, Executive Director & Board Member, German Chamber of Commerce in China, Shanghai
  • Christian Sommer, CEO & Chairman, German Centre for Industry and Trade Shanghai and Taicang

four people are having webinar


Germany’s New China Strategy: What to Expect?

July 31, 2023, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CEST. Speakers:

  • Prof. Klaus Mühlhahn, President, Zeppelin University
  • Dr. Michael Schaefer, former German Ambassador in China (retired)

Moderator: Prof. Horst Löchel, Co-Chairman, Sino-German Center at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management


(Corporate) Venture Capital in China as a Tool for Driving Innovation

  • Robby Xu, Senior Vice President Marketing at MojiaBio, former MD Richland Capital and former Head of Open Innovation & CVC, APAC at Covestro
  • Yang Zhong, Head of Asia Open Innovation at British American Tobacco

Tuesday 13 June 2023, 11:00 to 12:00 CEST

Watch Webinar


AIIB: A Multilateral Development Bank

With Ludger Schuknecht, Vice President and Corporate Secretary, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Tuesday 2 May 2023, 11:00 CEST
Watch Webinar


14th National People’s Congress: Government change will impact on the Economy

Wednesday, 1 March 2023, 11:00 a.m. CET With Jörg Wuttke, President of the EU Chamber of Commerce in China

Three people having webinar discussion

Webinar | How Dependent is German Business on China? (18 January 2023)

Watch Webinar

Webinar | China Outlook 2023 : Economy and Markets (06 December 2022)

Watch Webinar

Webinar | Decoding the 20th Congress of China’s Communist Party – What Does it Mean for Business? (20 October 2022)

Webinar | China’s Zero Covid-19 Policy and the Future of European Business in China (31 May 2022)

Webinar | Business Under Lockdown Conditions in the Greater Area of Shanghai (26 April 2022)

Webinar | Asset Management in China (29 March 2022)

Webinar | The Year of the Tiger: What to Expect from China’s Economy and Financial Markets (15 Feb 2022)

Screenshot of speakers at webinar "The Year of the Tiger: What to Expect from China’s Economy and Financial Markets"


At the recent webinar of the Sino-German Center at Frankfurt School all speakers expressed still an optimistic view on the outlook of China’s economy in 2022 despite all challenges. Werner Steinmüller, former Member of the Management Board Deutsche Bank AG and CEO Asia Pacific, stresses especially the rising middle class in China as a strong potential for still high growth rates in the future. He also welcomes the ongoing opening of China’s banking and capital markets, for instance, the relaxed restrictions for the business of foreign investment banks in China. Also, China’s stock and bond market become more and more integrated with the global markets and probably have a bright future, especially in the ‘post-Covid-19’ time. In this context he stresses the importance of stock and bond market connects of China’s capital markets as well as Hong Kong as a leading international financial center. As already the fourth largest international currency in terms of clearing, the future of the Chinese Yuan looks promising as well.

Andreas Hube, Global Vice President, Head of Greater China Liaison Office at SAP, expressed in reference to the recent business confidence study of the German Chamber of Commerce in China his personal view that there are still a lot of opportunities for international and Germany companies in their business with and in China. He sees the fields of sustainable energy and digital economy as most promising and stresses the need that German companies must stay competitive with Chinese companies not only in China but also in the global markets. Within China he predicts a ‘localisation 2.0’ for foreign and Germany companies in the face of rising regulatory and compliance requirements. He sees China’s new policy of technological ‘self-reliance’ and ‘dual circulation’ as an opportunity for the business of foreign companies in China in the short run but as a challenge in the medium and long-term, especially in terms of competition with Chinese companies.

At the beginning of the webinar, Horst Löchel, Professor of Economics at Frankfurt School and Co-Chairman of the Sino-German Center, provides a short outlook of China’s macro economy in 2022. In line with other experts, he predicts a growth rate of 4.5 to 5. 5 %, which is still high compared to advanced economies and given that China is already the second largest economy of the world. However, domestic and international downside risks have increased in recent times, but Chinese policy had made clear that they are ready to act if necessary. Domestic challenges are mainly the descaling of the property sector, further power crunches, weakening consumption, and tighter epidemic controls, whereas the international risks include a sluggish world economy with less trade, further supply chain disruptions, capital outflows due to rising interest rates in advanced economies and finally rising political tensions. In the face of such challenges, it seems that China’s policy makers will switch to a more expansionary fiscal policy in 2022 and continue with a moderate supporting monetary policy as well.

If you interested in more, please watch the record of the webinar at our webpage.

MOU Signatur Ceremony | Sino German Center and Zhejiang University International Business School (16 Feb 2022)

The Sino-German Center e. V. (SGC) at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Zhejiang University International Business School (ZIBS) on February 16, 2022. In the MOU both parties agreed for cooperation in the areas of research, faculty and students exchange, executive education as well as conferencing.

In their respective speeches, the Co-Chairman’s of the SGC, Prof. Horst Löchel and Prof. Rüdiger von Rosen, expressed their gladness to cooperate with such a prestigious academic partner in China. Also, the two other board members of the SGC, Dr. Stephan Bredt, Director General Economic Sector, Financial Services, Exchanges of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the State of Hessen, and Thorsten Giehler, Country Director China of the Gesellschaft for Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), showed their confidence that the new partnership will become a great success.

The delegation from ZIBS was headed by the Dean, Prof. Shenglin Ben, who focused in his speech on the importance of cooperation’s between academic institutions from China and Germany in challenging times. Joana Rosenkranz, head of the International Office at Frankfurt School, Joined the ceremony as well.

Upcoming Events

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Screenshot of speakers at the Virtual Roundtable with Jörg Wuttke

Speakers Prof. Holger Kohl, Fraunhofer-Institute Prof. Ben Shenglin, Zhejiang University Dr. Philipp Böing, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research Ivo Naumann, McKinsey & Co. China

Passcode: 77v5w#qI

Speakers Dr. Alexander Fisher, Director Biodiversity, Climate, and Environment (BCE), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ China, Beijing Karsten Löffler, Head of the UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and Chair of the Sustainable Finance Committee of the Federal Government of Germany, Frankfurt Frank Scheidig, Global Head of Senior Executive Banking, DZ BANK, Frankfurt Prof. Wang Yao, Director, International Institute of Green Finance (IIGF), Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Beijing

Speakers Harry Fu, Head of Global Business Development, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai Michael Müller, Managing Director at China International Capital Corporation (CICC), Frankfurt Niels Tomm, Co-CEO China Europe International Exchange AG (CEINEX), Berlin Yi Xiong, Deutsche Bank Research, Chief Economist, China, Hong Kong


  • Alicia Garcia-Herrero, PhD, Chief Economist for Asia Pacific at NATIXIS, Hong Kong, Senior Fellow at European think-tank BRUEGEL
  • Jens Hanefeld, Head of International & European Policy and Trade Policy, Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg
  • Jörg Wuttke, President European Chamber of Commerce China, Beijing, Vice President and Chief Representative BASF China
  • Jeff Xu, Partner FenXun Partners, Shanghai, Baker & McKenzie FenXun (FTZ)

Panellists GAO, Dingxin, Chief Representative, People’s Bank of China Frankfurt Jochen Metzger, Director, Head of Department Payment Systems, Deutsche Bundesbank Philipp Sandner, Head Blockchain Center, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Moderators: Prof. Horst Löchel and Prof. Rüdiger von Rosen

The Future of Finance: Crypto Assets, Bitcoin, Tokenized Assets and the Digital Euro. Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner

DC/EP and e-RMB in China for Payments Modernization in the Digital Era GAO, Dingxin

Central Bank Digital Currencies – A Bundesbank’s perspective Jochen Metzger

Successfully held. More information here.


  • Dirk Lubig, Managing Director, Deutsche Bank China, Beijing
  • Christian Martin, CFO, Zeiss Greater China, Shanghai
  • Stefan Messer, CEO, Messer Group, Bad Soden
  • Henry Tillman, China Investment Research, London

Henry Tilman – Experiences of German FDI in China

Stefan Messer – an extraordinary success story


  • Niels Tomm,Co-CEO, China Europe International Exchange (CEINEX), Frankfurt
  • Ben Shenglin, Professor & Dean, International Business School & Academy of Internet Finance Zhejiang University, China
  • Julia Pfeil, Partner, Dentons, Frankfurt
  • Peter Ling-Vannerus, Chief representative of SEB China and Head of EUCCC Working Group Financial Services, Beijing
Prospect and Challenges of the EU-China Investment Agreement, August 18th


  • Clas Neumann, Senior Vice President, Head of SAP Labs Network & Fast Growth Market Strategy Group, SAP Labs China, President German Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai
  • Johannes Regenbrecht, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in China, Beijing
  • Christian Sommer, General Manager, German Centre Shanghai
  • Jörg Wuttke, Vice President and Chief Representative BASF China, President European Chamber of Commerce China, Beijing
Current Situation of German companies in China, June 29th


  • Dr. Han Chen, Co-CEO, China Europe International
  • Florence M H Lee, Head of China Business Development, HSBC Securities Services – HSBC Bank PLC
  • Werner Steinmüller, Member of the Board and CEO Asia Pacific, Deutsche Bank AG
Investment Opportunities in China, May 18th


  • Claudia Barkowsky, Chief Representative, VDMA China, Beijing
  • Thorsten Giehler, Country Director China, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Beijing
  • Dr. LIANG Jian, Executive Board Member – Head of China Desk, Hauck & Aufhäuser Private Bank, Frankfurt
  • Niels Tomm, Co-CEO, China Europe International Exchange (CEINEX), Frankfurt
  • Xin WANG, Director, Research Bureau, PBC
The Corona Crisis and the China Experience, April 3rd

SGC in the Press

Interview mit dem Deutschlandfunk zum Besuch von Minister Habeck in China 22 Juni 2024

Das Gespenst chinesischer Überkapazitäten Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung (Only available in German) 28 Mai 2024

Interview mit ChinaHirn über chinesische Überkapazitäten 21 Juni 2024

Podcast mit der DW zum Thema: Chinesische Überkapazitäten (Only available in German) 31 Mai 2024

German Business with China China Daily (February 2024)

Interview with Xinhua about European Investments in China (January 2024)

Sino-German Workshop of Sustainable Finance (November 7, 2023)

New Working Paper Germany’s Import Dependency on China (September 2023)

Joint Webinar with China.Table The Current Situation of China’s Economy (July 12)

Kommentar zu Chinas Rohstoffkontrollen (NTV News, 7 Juli 2023)

US Dollar vs RMB – Bipolar Currency Regime Possible (China Table – June 6th, 2023)

Handel und Investitionen mit China sichern unseren Wohlstand

(Tagesspiegel Background, May 31st, 2023)

RMB Internationalisation

Table.Media Digitalkonferenz with Prof. Löchel (25  April 2023 at 10:00 CEST)

Book Contribution on

Finance in Rural China

(March 2023)

Comment on Germany’s China Strategy

(ChinaTable, 10 January 2023)

High ranked finance delegation

from Zhejiang province visit SGC

(June 29)

group picture

Germany’s China Strategy: The Ghost of ‘System Rival’ (China.Table – Aug 15th)



New Lecture at Frankfurt School: Understanding China’s Economy

Interview with Phoenix Television about the visit of Chancellor Scholz in China

(12 November 2022)

Podcast with Horst Löchel: Doing Business in China

(September 2022)

Interview with Chinese International Radio Station ‘World Today to the EU-China trade talks‘

(20 July 2022)

Interview on FDI’s to ChinaXinhua | 2 May 2022

Comment on the Eu-China SummitARD Tagesthemen24 | April 2022

German language

Comment on the EU-China Summit Deutschlandfunk-Radio | April 2022

Interview with DER AKTIONÄR TV about China – Russia Relationship | March 2022

Interview with Chinese Radio Station ‚World Today‘ about the European Chip Act | February 2022

Dr Hans Messer Foundation supports research at SGC

Article in ChinaContact about the Turbulences on China’s Capital Market (German language)

Interview with n-tv about the retreat of Yahoo from the Chinese market (German language)

Deutsch-Chinesischer Dialog zu nachhaltigen Finanzen in China Contact

Article to China‘s new Five-Year Plan in CEINEX Newsletter

‚Chinapolitik braucht Vertrauen – Kommentar in der Börsenzeitung vom 1. Juni‘.

„Der 14. Fünfjahresplan: In welche Richtung bewegt sich China?“

Ein Kommentar von Professor Dr. Horst Löchel

Comment on the EU Sanctions against China in the Neue Züricher Zeitung by Prof. Löchel and Prof. Cremer, April 28

SGC in the News: Prof. Löchel comments on China’s New Five-Year Plan, March 2021

SGC in the News: Prof. Löchel comments on China’s New Five-Year Plan, March 2021

Prof. Löchel comments on China’s intended new economic policy (in Chinese), November 2020

Quarterly Newsletter from our cooperation partner CEINEX with an article by Prof. Löchel on the EU- China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment’, October 2020

Artikel zur deutschen Chinapolitik, August 2020

Article: Covid-19 is a global crisis, don’t make it worse by making it a crisis of globalization, June 2020

The Opening Up of China´s Capital Market: Between Liberalization and Stability

The Sino-German Center of Finance and Economics (SGC) at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management is a registered association since 2015. It emerged from the RMB initiative of the Government of Hessen to position the financial center of Frankfurt as RMB offshore hub. The Center conducts independent and relevant research in the field of economic and financial affairs between Germany respectively Europa and China and serves as a forum for dialogue among academics and professionals of both countries


Executive Board

In the Executive Board are representitives of the State of Hessen, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, J. W.Goethe-University and others elected by General Assembly.

Prof. Dr. Horst Löchel, Co-Chairman, Professor of Economics, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Frankfurt Prof. Dr. Rüdiger von Rosen, Co-Chairman, Honorary Professor of J. W. Goethe University Prof. Dr. Iwo Amelung, Professor of Sinology at J. W. Goethe University, Frankfurtand Honorary Consul of Latvia, Frankfurt Thorsten Giehler, Country Director China, Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Beijing Marco Kreuter, Director General Economic Sector, Financial Services, Exchanges, Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing of the State of Hessen, Wiesbaden

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees comprises of the Ministry of Economics of the State of Hessen, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, J. W. Goethe University as well as the International Business School & Academy of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou.

Prof. Dr. Ben Shenglin, Dean, International Business School & Academy of Internet Finance, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Prof. Dr. Rainer Klump, Executive Director of the House of Finance, J. W. Goethe University, Frankfurt Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, Spokesman of the Board, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn Umut Sönmez, State Secretary, Energy, Transport and Housing of the State of Hessen, Wiesbaden Prof. Dr. Nils Stieglitz, President, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Frankfurt

Steering Committee

Members of the Steering Committee are sponsors of the center as well as the executive board members. Four levels of sponsorships exist: platinum membership, gold membership, silver membership and bronze membership.

Our Partners

Our Team

Co-Chairman of SGC

Dr. Horst Löchel is Professor of Economics at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, and MBA Programme Director. He is also a Visiting Professor at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and member of the board of directors at the Shanghai International Banking and Finance Institute (SIBFI). Professor Löchel teaches and researches with a focus on China.

Co-Chairman of SGC

Prof. Dr. von Rosen serves as the President of Frankfurt Society of Trade, Industry and Sciences. In his former career, he worked for Deutsche Bundesbank later for the German Stock Market and as first CEO of Deutsche Börse. He is a honorary professor of Goethe University, honorary consul of Latvia and an international expert in captital markets and corporate governance.

Project Coordinator

Ilka Kranefuß has been working in marketing and corporate communications for many years and supports the SGC in the organization of events.


Scientific Research Assistent Tim Jablonski
Scientific Research Assistant

Tim Jablonski holds a MA in “China Language and Economy” of Würzburg University and a respective BSc in Economics. After spending years in China, his current research focuses on the country’s past economic development and current industrial policy.

Scientific Research Assistant

Willy Ting holds a MSc in Management with Technology from Technical University of Munich and a BSc in Business Administration from University of Mannheim. His research focuses on corporate venturing strategies and their impact on innovation in China and globally.

working student for SGC
Student Assistant

Luyi Sun is  a Bachelor of Business Administration student at  Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. He supports the complementation of a book about China’s economy at the Sino-German Center.

External Experts

Prof. Iwo Amelungen Prof. of Sinology, J. W. Goethe-University

Prof. Boris Bauke Professor for SME, TH Aschaffenburg, University of Applied Science

Dr. Jochen Biedermann Managing Director, World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC)

Dr Han Chen Co-Chief Executive Officer, China Europe International Exchange AG (CEINEX)

Fabienne Frauendorfer Head of Department International Economy, Economic Council (Wirtschaftsrat der CDU e.V.), Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Andreas Grünewald Board FIVV AG and CEO of VuV

Patrick Hess Senior Market Infrastructure Expert, European Central Bank (ECB)

Sonja Müller China Competence Center, IHK Frankfurt

Andreas Odrian Director Corporate Banking  Coverage China, Deutsche Bank AG, Shanghai

Christian Oestreich Head International Relations, Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall

Bertram Roth Director of Overseas Operations & Head of China Marketing, FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH

Jan Sächtig Advisory Corporate Clients, Commerzbank AG

Hubertus Väth Managing Director, Frankfurt Main Finance e. V.


Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Adickesalle 32 – 34, 60322 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
+49 69 154008 741
+49 69 154008 4741